Migrating from NextAuth.js to Better Auth

3 min readDec 11, 2024


In this guide, we’ll walk through the steps to migrate a project from NextAuth.js to Better Auth, ensuring no loss of data or functionality. While this guide focuses on Next.js, it can be adapted for other frameworks as well.

Before You Begin

Before starting the migration process, set up Better Auth in your project. Follow the installation guide to get started.

Mapping Existing Columns

Instead of altering your existing database column names, you can map them to match Better Auth’s expected structure. This allows you to retain your current database schema.

User Schema

Your existing user schema is likely compatible with Better Auth, so no changes are needed.

Session Schema

Map the following fields in the session schema:

  • expiresexpiresAt
  • sessionTokentoken


export const auth = betterAuth({ // Other configs session: { fields: { expiresAt: "expires", // e.g., "expires_at" or your existing field name token: "sessionToken" // e.g., "session_token" or your existing field name } },});

Accounts Schema

Map these fields in the accounts schema:

  • providerAccountIdaccountId
  • refresh_tokenrefreshToken
  • access_tokenaccessToken
  • access_token_expiresaccessTokenExpiresAt
  • id_tokenidToken

Remove the session_state, type, and token_type fields, as they are not required by Better Auth.


export const auth = betterAuth({ // Other configs accounts: { fields: { accountId: "providerAccountId", refreshToken: "refresh_token", accessToken: "access_token", accessTokenExpiresAt: "access_token_expires", idToken: "id_token", } },});

Note: If you use ORM adapters, you can map these fields in your schema file.

Example with Prisma:


model Session { id String @id @default(cuid()) expires DateTime @map("expiresAt") // Map `expires` to your existing field token String @map("sessionToken") // Map `token` to your existing field userId String user User @relation(fields: [userId], references: [id])}

Update the Route Handler

In the app/api/auth folder, rename the [...nextauth] file to [...all] to avoid confusion. Then, update the route.ts file as follows:


import { toNextJsHandler } from "better-auth/next-js";import { auth } from "~/server/auth"; export const { POST, GET } = toNextJsHandler(auth);

Update the Client

Create a file named auth-client.ts in the lib folder. Add the following code:


import { createAuthClient } from "better-auth/react"; export const authClient = createAuthClient({ baseURL: process.env.BASE_URL! // Optional if the API base URL matches the frontend}); export const { signIn, signOut, useSession } = authClient;

Social Login Functions

Update your social login functions to use Better Auth. For example, for Discord:

import { signIn } from "~/lib/auth-client"; export const signInDiscord = async () => { const data = await signIn.social({ provider: "discord" }); return data;};

Update useSession Calls

Replace useSession calls with Better Auth’s version. Example:


import { useSession } from "~/lib/auth-client"; export const Profile = () => { const { data } = useSession(); return ( <div> <pre> {JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)} </pre> </div> );};

Server-Side Session Handling

Use the auth instance to get session data on the server:


"use server"; import { auth } from "~/server/auth";import { headers } from "next/headers"; export const protectedAction = async () => { const session = await auth.api.getSession({ headers: await headers(), });};


To protect routes with middleware, refer to the Next.js middleware guide.

Wrapping Up

Congratulations! You’ve successfully migrated from NextAuth.js to Better Auth. For a complete implementation with multiple authentication methods, check out the demo repository.

Better Auth offers greater flexibility and more features — be sure to explore the documentation to unlock its full potential.



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